POST api/SalersPOS
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
SalerPOSClassName | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
None. |
id_saler_branch | integer |
None. |
saler_currency | integer |
None. |
ready_time | integer |
None. |
description | string |
None. |
saler_branch | string |
None. |
address | string |
None. |
phone | string |
None. |
main_image | string |
None. |
str_category | string |
None. |
main_image_mini | string |
None. |
promo_text | string |
None. |
str_minimo | string |
None. |
products_default_image | string |
None. |
str_distance | string |
None. |
distance | decimal number |
None. |
minimo | decimal number |
None. |
latitude | decimal number |
None. |
price | decimal number |
None. |
longitude | decimal number |
None. |
branch_url | string |
None. |
exchange_rate | decimal number |
None. |
ahita_category | string |
None. |
IsOpen | boolean |
None. |
page_type | integer |
None. |
ServerWeekDay | integer |
None. |
IsFavourite | boolean |
None. |
bit_wd1 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd1 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd1 | date |
None. |
bit_wd2 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd2 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd2 | date |
None. |
bit_wd3 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd3 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd3 | date |
None. |
bit_wd4 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd4 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd4 | date |
None. |
bit_wd5 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd5 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd5 | date |
None. |
bit_wd6 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd6 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd6 | date |
None. |
bit_wd7 | boolean |
None. |
hora1_wd7 | date |
None. |
hora2_wd7 | date |
None. |
str_tiempo | string |
None. |
allow_delivery | boolean |
None. |
allow_pickup | boolean |
None. |
allow_pickup_on_car | boolean |
None. |
bit_cash | boolean |
None. |
bit_credit_card | boolean |
None. |
bit_bank_tranfer | boolean |
None. |
str_bank_account | string |
None. |
bit_enlace | boolean |
None. |
bit_pinpad | boolean |
None. |
private_saler | boolean |
None. |
banner_list | Collection of banner_class |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "id": 1, "id_saler_branch": 2, "saler_currency": 3, "ready_time": 4, "description": "sample string 5", "saler_branch": "sample string 6", "address": "sample string 7", "phone": "sample string 8", "main_image": "sample string 9", "str_category": "sample string 10", "main_image_mini": "sample string 11", "promo_text": "sample string 12", "str_minimo": "sample string 13", "products_default_image": "sample string 14", "str_distance": "16.10 Kms", "distance": 16.1, "minimo": 17.1, "latitude": 18.1, "price": 19.1, "longitude": 20.1, "branch_url": "sample string 21", "exchange_rate": 22.1, "ahita_category": "sample string 23", "IsOpen": true, "page_type": 25, "ServerWeekDay": 26, "IsFavourite": true, "bit_wd1": true, "hora1_wd1": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd1": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "bit_wd2": true, "hora1_wd2": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd2": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "bit_wd3": true, "hora1_wd3": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd3": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "bit_wd4": true, "hora1_wd4": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd4": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "bit_wd5": true, "hora1_wd5": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd5": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "bit_wd6": true, "hora1_wd6": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd6": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "bit_wd7": true, "hora1_wd7": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "hora2_wd7": "2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00", "str_tiempo": "sample string 49", "allow_delivery": true, "allow_pickup": true, "allow_pickup_on_car": true, "bit_cash": true, "bit_credit_card": true, "bit_bank_tranfer": true, "str_bank_account": "sample string 56", "bit_enlace": true, "bit_pinpad": true, "private_saler": true, "banner_list": [ { "id": 1, "id_saler": 2, "id_saler_branch": 3, "id_server": 4, "id_server_inventory_category": 5, "id_server_inventory_category_click": 6, "id_server_inventory_click": 7, "id_inventory_click": 8, "id_inventory_category_click": 9, "id_inventory_category": 10, "category_show": "sample string 11", "category_click": "sample string 12", "inventory_click": "sample string 13", "imageSource": "sample string 14", "tags": "sample string 15", "name": "sample string 16" }, { "id": 1, "id_saler": 2, "id_saler_branch": 3, "id_server": 4, "id_server_inventory_category": 5, "id_server_inventory_category_click": 6, "id_server_inventory_click": 7, "id_inventory_click": 8, "id_inventory_category_click": 9, "id_inventory_category": 10, "category_show": "sample string 11", "category_click": "sample string 12", "inventory_click": "sample string 13", "imageSource": "sample string 14", "tags": "sample string 15", "name": "sample string 16" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<SalerPOSClass xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <IsFavourite>true</IsFavourite> <IsOpen>true</IsOpen> <ServerWeekDay>26</ServerWeekDay> <address>sample string 7</address> <ahita_category>sample string 23</ahita_category> <allow_delivery>true</allow_delivery> <allow_pickup>true</allow_pickup> <allow_pickup_on_car>true</allow_pickup_on_car> <banner_list> <banner_class> <category_click>sample string 12</category_click> <category_show>sample string 11</category_show> <id>1</id> <id_inventory_category>10</id_inventory_category> <id_inventory_category_click>9</id_inventory_category_click> <id_inventory_click>8</id_inventory_click> <id_saler>2</id_saler> <id_saler_branch>3</id_saler_branch> <id_server>4</id_server> <id_server_inventory_category>5</id_server_inventory_category> <id_server_inventory_category_click>6</id_server_inventory_category_click> <id_server_inventory_click>7</id_server_inventory_click> <imageSource>sample string 14</imageSource> <inventory_click>sample string 13</inventory_click> <name>sample string 16</name> <tags>sample string 15</tags> </banner_class> <banner_class> <category_click>sample string 12</category_click> <category_show>sample string 11</category_show> <id>1</id> <id_inventory_category>10</id_inventory_category> <id_inventory_category_click>9</id_inventory_category_click> <id_inventory_click>8</id_inventory_click> <id_saler>2</id_saler> <id_saler_branch>3</id_saler_branch> <id_server>4</id_server> <id_server_inventory_category>5</id_server_inventory_category> <id_server_inventory_category_click>6</id_server_inventory_category_click> <id_server_inventory_click>7</id_server_inventory_click> <imageSource>sample string 14</imageSource> <inventory_click>sample string 13</inventory_click> <name>sample string 16</name> <tags>sample string 15</tags> </banner_class> </banner_list> <bit_bank_tranfer>true</bit_bank_tranfer> <bit_cash>true</bit_cash> <bit_credit_card>true</bit_credit_card> <bit_enlace>true</bit_enlace> <bit_pinpad>true</bit_pinpad> <bit_wd1>true</bit_wd1> <bit_wd2>true</bit_wd2> <bit_wd3>true</bit_wd3> <bit_wd4>true</bit_wd4> <bit_wd5>true</bit_wd5> <bit_wd6>true</bit_wd6> <bit_wd7>true</bit_wd7> <branch_url>sample string 21</branch_url> <description>sample string 5</description> <distance>16.1</distance> <exchange_rate>22.1</exchange_rate> <hora1_wd1>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd1> <hora1_wd2>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd2> <hora1_wd3>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd3> <hora1_wd4>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd4> <hora1_wd5>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd5> <hora1_wd6>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd6> <hora1_wd7>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora1_wd7> <hora2_wd1>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd1> <hora2_wd2>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd2> <hora2_wd3>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd3> <hora2_wd4>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd4> <hora2_wd5>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd5> <hora2_wd6>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd6> <hora2_wd7>2024-12-22T16:45:42.4685921-06:00</hora2_wd7> <id>1</id> <id_saler_branch>2</id_saler_branch> <latitude>18.1</latitude> <longitude>20.1</longitude> <main_image>sample string 9</main_image> <main_image_mini>sample string 11</main_image_mini> <minimo>17.1</minimo> <page_type>25</page_type> <phone>sample string 8</phone> <price>19.1</price> <private_saler>true</private_saler> <products_default_image>sample string 14</products_default_image> <promo_text>sample string 12</promo_text> <ready_time>4</ready_time> <saler_branch>sample string 6</saler_branch> <saler_currency>3</saler_currency> <str_bank_account>sample string 56</str_bank_account> <str_category>sample string 10</str_category> <str_distance>16.10 Kms</str_distance> <str_minimo>sample string 13</str_minimo> <str_tiempo>sample string 49</str_tiempo> </SalerPOSClass>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
HttpResponseMessageName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Version | Version |
None. |
Content | HttpContent |
None. |
StatusCode | HttpStatusCode |
None. |
ReasonPhrase | string |
None. |
Headers | Collection of Object |
None. |
RequestMessage | HttpRequestMessage |
None. |
IsSuccessStatusCode | boolean |
None. |